Keltner’s medium- and large-scale, multi-layered paintings incorporate a wide range of materials - oil, acrylic and spray paints; charcoal; ink; and found objects – to examine ideas of spatiality, natural systems and gridded structures. Using physical materials from her surroundings as templates, blown up to alter scale and often partially obscured, and rendered in shades of blue with explosions of violets and yellows, natural shapes and blocks of color bump up against each other dissolving hierarchies of space. The finished paintings often appear in a perpetual state of emerging.
Katherine Keltner was born in Oklahoma City and raised in New York. She studied writing, critical theory, architecture, and visual arts at Dartmouth College, Columbia University and American University. Her works have been exhibited in the United States and Europe including at The Katzen Arts Center, American University Museum of Art, Field Projects, Jamaica Center for the Arts and Learning, and A.I.R. Gallery among others. Awards include fellowships at the Vermont Studio Center, Ragdale Foundation and the Chautauqua Institution. She lives and works in Brooklyn.